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Mermaids: The Body Found

Could mermaids actually exist?
The idea of mermaids has tantalized seafarers for millenia! According to Charlie Foley's speculative documentary "Mermaids: The Body Found," which aired Memorial Day weekend on Animal Planet, "real" mermaids are more like those scary merfolk from "Harry Potter" than the Disney version.

Paul Robertson, a former employee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), speaks in a two-hour Animal Planet special about his experiences with his research team while they were investigating mass whale beachings around the world.

The film, begins with the real, actual fact that the Navy’s use of sonar systems is suspected by some scientists of contributing to whale beachings. And it takes note of an odd underwater sound known as the Bloop that was recorded in the Pacific Ocean in 1997. It turns out that whales haven’t been the only creatures beaching themselves; two boys in Washington State caught something else on a cellphone camera before the authorities swooped in and pressured them into silence.

Also, remains found inside a shark in South Africa were decidedly mermaidlike.
An expert uses those remains to reconstruct a mermaid, which, sadly, is not nearly as cute as Ariel from the Disney film and doesn’t have her flowing red hair. But the public never got to meet this model mermaid because the whole project was black-opped.

People are taking it super-seriously -- even pointing to the fact that the website listed in the trailer,, has been seized by the Department of Homeland Security.

Could there actually be a scientific grounding to this legend?

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