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Balkans Floods

Dear Friends,

Even Google know how frightfully is situation in the Balkan region where in the last few days an epic flood destroyed everything in its path.

My sympathy with the people affected by this disaster...

My countries Serbia and Bosnia were hit with biggest flood in 150 years, thousands of people are without homes - thousands are being evacuated. Roads and bridges are flooded, schools and kindergartens have been shut down, 100,000 homes in Serbia left without power, while rain-swollen rivers and surging water course through towns and villages, overflowing across streets into homes, causing landslides and other disasters. Entire towns are cut off and the slow-moving cyclone is said to last until the weekend. The situation is alarming. 

Even though ex Yugoslavian countries - Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia were in war with each other in last 20 years - Today we are helping each other like we are one country again - and I am proud of that people.

Everybody needs somebody


Please help by donating on paypal for better future.
Current account for help (City of Belgrade):
Special purpose account: 01-504103-100000300-000000-0000 - Grad Beograd - Sekretarijat za finansije.
IBAN: RS35908504103000030058.
You can find instruction for payment on the official site of city Belgrade HERE

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Account holder: Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Account No: 140-101-12001533-88
Name of the bank: SBERBANK BH d.d. Sarajevo
Adress of the bank: Fra Andela Zvizdovica 1/A
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bank code: BA391401011200153388

If you like this post just click here Posted By Irena Bodonji with 2 comments


dù rằng còn hơn 1 tháng nữa mới đến Tết Nguyên đán 2017 nhưng tại Hà Nội, nhiều cây đào bích, đào phai đã sớm khoe sắc trên gian phoi quan ao.

Vừa mua cành đào phai tại chợ hoa lăng xê, bà Nguyễn Thị Liên (51 tuổi, P.Bạch Mai, Q.Hai Bà Trưng) chia sẻ: “Tôi tìm cành đào phai giá 160.000 đồng. Năm nào vợ chồng tôi cũng đánh xe lên chợ này tậu cành đào về đón rằm tháng Chạp và Tết Dương lịch”.

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