The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2012 has been predicted for a long time, but astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have now come to a consensus that Earth will indeed collide with the planet.
In 1976, the late Zecharia Sitchin stirred up a great deal of controversy with the publication of his book, The Twelfth Planet. His work has garnered much attention among ufologists, ancient astronaut theorists and conspiracy theorists. He claims to have uncovered, through his retranslations of Sumerian texts, evidence that the human race was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from a distant planet in our own Solar System.
To the Babylonians, Nibiru was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of this, the planet Nibiru is sometimes also referred to as Marduk. Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to "Planet of Crossing" or "Point of Transition", especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats, a term of the highest point of the ecliptic, i.e. the point of summer solstice, and its associated constellation. The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. Sitchin hypothesizes it as a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,750 years; he also claims it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, who allegedly visited Earth in search of gold. These beings eventually created humanity by genetically crossing themselves with extant primates, and thus became the first gods. The ancient cuneiform texts -- some of the earliest known writing, dating back some 6,000 years -- told the story of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system called Nibiru, according to the Sumerians via Sitchin. If you've never heard of it, that's because mainstream science does not recognize Nibiru as one of the planets that revolves around our Sun. Yet it is there, claims Sitchin, and its presence holds great importance not only for humankind's past, but our future as well.

One conspiracy theory says that Nibiru is not only planets, but spacecraft on which the resident advanced races. These creatures have emerged from lower forms of life, thanks to the unusual nature of

A various kinds of beliefs, superstitions and conspiracy theories about Nibiru and prompted a letter from a Norwegian politician, written after the murder of his friend, the Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto. He argues that because of the arrival of Nibiru around the world are building secret underground bases and bunkers which would be evacuated just specially selected. Although his government says the bases for the salvation of Norwegians, this politician says that they will be accommodated only by the political elite and members of those professions that could be helpful.
NASA is publicly denying anything about collision (and even deny the existence of Nibiru), but privately several sources in NASA have confirmed the projected collision date of July 21, 2012.
The world has seen many such claims of doom come and go. But many believe that with The Nibiru collision fits in well with the Mayan prophecy – the apocalypse in 2012.
It's the 9th August. Your collision date has been and gone. What sad nonsense are you going to be frightening the vulnerable with now?
Is Nibiru (Planet X) Approaching? A German Astronomer created a record of Planet X on what is called the "Sky Disk", which was examined and Astronomy Software was used to determine the actual date it last passed and when it will return. The information was documented by Bob Fisher Investigations and presented on a DVD titled, "In-Coming", DVD may have been produced in late 2014 and gives possible date Planet X will pass very soon.
UMOJA Research
Feb. 2015
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