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Creatures of Dry Fork Canyon

High strangeness and missing time in the Utah wilderness...
Gus B. says he’s had many strange experiences in his life, but nothing comes close to the peculiar encounters he and four friends were met with in the Utah wilderness. This is Gus’s story....

Near the end of May, 2003, my younger brother and I were attending a wedding reception, as a good friend of ours was married that day. The reception was held in Remember The Maine Park, a rural area in Dry Fork Canyon, which is a fifteen-minute drive outside Vernal, Utah.

This canyon has a dark history. There were two suicides in the same year that baffled authorities and the relatives of the deceased. Both men undressed and folded their clothes in a neat stack, then jumped off the cliff side that faces the park. Both men dated the same woman, but at different times, as there was a six-month gap between the "suicides". Even the police were suspicious of this, as the woman in question was a meth dealer, but I remember nothing ever coming of it. Even so, my friends and I often hung out in this park, practicing martial arts and swordplay. Thus, it was the locale for the reception.

We had fun at the reception, eating, laughing, dancing and generally enjoying the day of celebration. However, a few friends of mine, as well as my brother, wanted to go exploring the woods beyond the park boundaries. My friend Cassidy had mentioned that the area was known for "freaky" occurrences, as he described it. So Cassidy, Brian, David, my brother Tony and I began trekking into the woods. We left around 5 p.m., and the sun was still shining bright at this time.

Unsettling feeling

We traveled for about fifteen minutes or so when we came to a fairly wide clearing. By this time, the temperature had dramatically dropped. And we began to experience an odd, unsettling feeling that seemed to pierce my stomach and make it cold. Cassidy made a comment to the effect that this was "the entrance".

As we started walking farther, I was struck with the sharp feeling that somehow the ground itself did not want me treading there. I also noticed that the ground for about a hundred yards was littered with the bones of cattle, which gave me the chills. Brushing this feeling aside, we continued our trek for another ten minutes or so.

Something huge

We came to an area in the woods that was thick and a little too dark for the day. My brother tapped me on the shoulder and quietly said to me, "Do you see that?" About fifteen yards away in the thick woods was a distinguishable dark shape that was huge. It looked like a gorilla sitting on its knuckles, but it was completely black, and far too tall to be a bear, as it was about seven feet tall in this crouching position!

At about this time, everyone else in the group took notice to the huge, dark shape. With some quiet caution and a leery eye, we continued our trek into the woods – in a different direction, I might add. The trees were rustling and swaying, but there was no wind; the air was at a dead standstill. This spooked Tony, so my brother decided he had seen enough, and my friend Cassidy agreed to take him back to the park. That left Brian, David and I behind to wait for him.

By this time, nightfall had already descended upon us. This disturbed me considerably, as we had left at 5 and weren't even an hour into our "journey".

Suddenly, we began to hear odd hooting sounds coming from the trees. Brian called them "Indian hoots," but I suggested that it was an owl. My suggestion proved incorrect, as the hooting sounds intensified and came from places where I knew there was no source, like a spot a few feet away from my head in the air, and the ground next to my feet.

At this point, things were definitely getting weird, but it was about to get worse.

Panic attack

As we continued to wait for Cassidy to return, David seemed to be having an odd sort of panic attack. He could barely speak, almost as if some entity was trying to keep him from speaking, and he seemed genuinely terrified by something. Brian held his hand and tried to talk him down, without much success.

While this was happening, their backs faced the woods, with me facing into it. Out of nowhere, red eyes flashed out of the darkness at me. It was gone before I could ask if anyone else had seen it. Brian was still trying to help David, when a few minutes later eyes flashed at me from the darkness again, only the eyes were ten more yards or so to the right than last time.

I asked Brian if he saw the eyes, and indeed he had caught it out of the corner of his eye. David seemed to be calming down just a bit, when both Brian and I saw the eyes for the third time, another good distance more to the right in the woods. Somehow, we were behind enemy lines, and I had a feeling that if we didn't leave soon, something really bad might happen. The fact that David's fragmented tirade centered around demons didn't help at all.

Finally, Cassidy returned, and I noticed that things were a little brighter. As fate would have it, there was a full moon shining down on us, and I was once again flabbergasted that the moon was out, when we had only been in the woods a little over an hour. Cassidy then asked us if we wanted to continue deeper into the woods. Brian, David and I all agreed that it was best we return to the park.

Humanoid beings

Once again the trees began swaying and rustling, as if there were a strong wind blowing, except there wasn't even the slightest of breezes blowing at all. We started walking back, and my friends began running suddenly. I was about to yell at them for running off, but I got a "twinge" as I call them.

I turned around to see a good number of grayish-white humanoid figures running, blinking and just basically freaking out. The thing that got me running is that they were rapidly heading our way!

It was a miracle I caught up with the guys at all. And it seemed that the wide open clearing we passed through a little over an hour ago had shrunken so drastically. I am confident it was no trick of the eye. The woods were actually closing in.

After running for about fifteen minutes or so, we were back in the park. Fortunately, a few of our friends at the reception remembered that we took off, and had waited around for us. Imagine my shock when I learned it was 11:15 p.m.! I know for a fact that the amount of time we spent in there could not have exceeded an hour and a half at the very most! And yet, six hours had gone by!

We rode home, relating the events to some of our other friends who happen to be Wiccan. All of the Wiccans I spoke to who are familiar with that area agree that some thing very bad happened there, and local legend has it that several years ago 200 head of cattle dropped dead of mysterious circumstances in that place. Whatever the case may be, something intense calls that area home, and I am not eager to return there anytime soon.

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